Behold the Laterna Magica

on Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Here at von Optikon Ltd., we invent, but also we build upon and heartily salute the inventions of others. We are particularly interested in innovations that play upon visual illusions and the recently understood human phenomenon that has come to be called Persistence of Vision. A list of such inventions might include the Stereopticon and Balopticon, and the Thaumatrope, Phenakistoscope, Zoetrope, Stroboscope, Zoopraxiscope and Mutoscope.
We will discuss many of these in good time, but today we focus (as it were) on the Laterna Magica, Lanterne Magique, or Magic Lantern. Such devices have been recorded for hundreds of years, as far back perhaps as de Huygens. These ingenious machines, employing a light source, a mirror and system of lenses, can project an image some distance with lifelike clarity and precision. Today, that image is commonly projected onto a screen, typically for the enjoyment and edification of a large audience; but in early times, the Laterna Magica was often employed (sometimes, alas, by Charlatans and Mountebanks)  to project images of devils, daemons or ghosts onto stage smoke,  an decadent divertissement called a Fantasmagoria.
The light source was flame, and even today children enjoy fanciful lanterns of tin with light provided by kerosene lamp. However, with the development of Arc Lighting and other forms of Electrical Illumination, machines of increasing sophistication have been developed.
At von Optikon Ltd., we have recently come into the possession of two machines, and it is our intention to refurbish them to working order once again. We will share our progress via this Weblog, so that others might be inspired to investigate the Laterna Magica. We will also discuss, in good time, the many types of slides that may be projected, some of them designed to create moving pictures through their ingenious design. Examples include the kaleidoscopic Chromatrope and other mechanical slides which, by means of brass gears and winding handles, offer audiences an astounding and rich Viewing Experience. But yes, in good time.
Today, we merely intend to introduce you to our Grand Project and share these images of the two machines in question. They are of roughly equal dimensions. The first was created with kerosene as light source, as evidenced by the brass-rimmed Chimney designed to effect the channeling of smoke and heat upward. Its inner workings have been replaced (somewhat crudely, as matter of fact) with Electrical Illumination by a previous owner. Other parts of the casing have been replaced over time. We intend a complete but perhaps fanciful renovation, as historical authenticity is sadly beyond reclaiming.
The second, more modern lantern was built with electrical light source. Though this is in need of some repair, the apparatus overall appears to be in sound condition, and the leather bellows is quite pliable and free from cracks and other defects of age. Restoration in this case will be somewhat less extensive.
There you have it: our project for the coming months. We invite comments and suggestions that might help us reach a successful conclusion. And we will endeavor to keep you, our loyal audience, apprised of our progress.
A good day and Godspeed to you all.

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